Oticon Articles

An Introduction To OpenSound Navigator

OpenSound Navigator™ is a new speech—enhancement algorithm that preserves speech and reduces noise in complex environments. It replaces and exceeds the role of conventional directionality and noise reduction algorithms. Key technical advances in OpenSound Navigator:

  • Holistic system that handles all acoustical environments from the quietest to the noisiest and adapts its response to the sound preference of the user — no modes or mode switch.
  • Integrated directional and noise reduction action — rebalance the sound scene, preserve speech in all directions, and selectively reduce noise.
  • Two-microphone noise estimate for a “spatially — informed” estimate of the environmental noise, enabling fast and accurate noise reduction.

The speed and accuracy of the algorithm enables selective noise reduction without isolating the talker of interest, opening up new possibilities for many audiological benefits.

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The Velox Platform

The development of a new chip and digital signal processing platform relies on dedicated and lengthy engineering efforts. Uniquely in Oticon, the development of both chip and platform takes place in the Research & Development department; from designing the multiple layers of the integrated circuits (chips) that need to conform to the very limited space and power consumption of the hearing instrument to coding the firmware and e-software that make up the audiological advancements of all the new features and capabilities. Keeping all development within the same house has pivotal importance for the quality of the final product.

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BrainHearing™: It All Starts With The Brain — Oticon

Actively Using Hearing Aids Reduces The Risk Of Cognitive Decline. Hearing loss is associated with accelerated cognitive decline and possibly also with the onset of dementia in older adults. The vast majority of scientists in the area have agreed that cognitive decline is likely related to the lack of social interaction that older adults have because of their hearing loss.

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Hearing Loss And Dementia Linked In Study — Oticon

Seniors with hearing loss are significantly more likely to develop dementia over time than those who retain their hearing, a study by Johns Hopkins and National Institute on Aging researchers suggests. The findings, the researchers say, could lead to new ways to combat dementia, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide and carries heavy societal burdens.

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